Game development

<p>Read the latest news coming out of the EASTPIXEL’s lunatic mansion. ;-)</p>

GBCbag and NESbag updated to version 2.3.0

Hey lovely GameBoy (Color) and NES developers, due to user requests, GBCbag and NESbag got updated to version 2.3.0 with some new configuration parameters. Changelog 2.3.0 Five new configuration parameters have been added to enable or disable various display filters (parameter list: ‘EnableVFilter_BRZ’, ‘EnableVFilter_HQ’, ‘EnableVFilter_Scale’, ‘EnableVFilter_Sai’, ‘EnableVFilter_Prescale’). The initial setting is ‘false’ for each one GBCbag and NESbag updated to version 2.3.0

GBCbag 2 is available now

Hello lovely GameBoy and GameBoy Color developer community, as of today there is GBCbag 2, a tool that allows you to easily distribute your own GameBoy (Color) game as a Windows, macOS and Linux application to players for whom the use of emulator software is not very feasible. GBCbag 2 doesn’t hide its roots: first GBCbag 2 is available now

NESbag 2 has landed

Hey lovely NES development community,the first version of NESbag (May 2024), which was based on the NESTEK tool from LowtekGames, was a help, but had technical limitations. From today there is NESbag 2, a tool to easily distribute your own NES game as a Windows, macOS and Linux application to players for whom the use of emulator software NESbag 2 has landed

Anna: Windows + macOS version now with controller support, image overlays and great performance

Hey lovely people, thanks for your interest in my upcoming game Anna: The Magic of Words for NES/Famicom. I’m proud to report: The version for Windows and macOS has been completely revised. Three highlights of the new versions: Controller support (please select Settings > Controls to configure) Outstanding performance (even on older PCs) Image shaders (various Anna: Windows + macOS version now with controller support, image overlays and great performance

Anna: Update 0.1.5 available – Level skip passwords and some small level architecture changes

​Hey lovely people. An updated demo version of Anna: The Magic of Words (NES) is available now. Changelog: Demo Version 0.1.5 – January 17, 2025 Changed after players feedback: slightly modified some parts of the level architecture (level Dungeon 1/4) Changed after players feedback: in all Dungeon levels – replaced some spiky plants to make Anna: Update 0.1.5 available – Level skip passwords and some small level architecture changes

Anna: Update 0.1.4 available – Performance, new graphics and sound

​Hey lovely people. An updated demo version of Anna: The Magic of Words (NES) is available now. Changelog: Demo Version 0.1.4 – January 13, 2025 Changed: Physics and performance update #4 Changed: Game Structure, Menu Navigation Changed: Ability to play a tutorial after starting a new game Changed: Graphics Added: New Sound Effects (Trampoline)   Anna: Update 0.1.4 available – Performance, new graphics and sound

Anna: Update 0.1.3 available – animations and timer fix

​Hey lovely people. An updated demo version of Anna: The Magic of Words (NES) is available now. Changelog: Demo Version 0.1.3 – January 09, 2025 Changed: Animated collectables (scrolls, hearts) Changed: Timer Logic inside levels / timer now always shows the correct remaining time   Download and further informations Game website: Game at Anna: Update 0.1.3 available – animations and timer fix

Anna: Update 0.1.0 – biggest update so far: a complete playable world

A huge update today. For the first time a complete world (one map) with four levels and two bonus stages is playable. Changelog: Demo Version 0.1.0 – December 22, 2024 Physics and performance update #3 Changed: Gameplay logic update Changed: small audio and graphic bugfixes Changed: The password system has been revised – if you Anna: Update 0.1.0 – biggest update so far: a complete playable world

Anna: Update 0.0.7 – Physics & Gameplay Update

I wanted to stay a little closer to the real world, but now it’s over! Standing and jumping far over edges is now possible, thanks to the test feedback. The demo version 0.0.7 of Anna: The Magic of Words is available. Download and further informations Game website: Game at

Anna: Update 0.0.5 with Overworld map

Hey there lovely people, Anna: The Magic of Words got a new public demo version. Changelog Changed: Some sound effects Added: Overworld Map Added: One Bonus Level (just a placeholder to test the overworld map functions) Added: Overworld music (changing while progress in the game)   Download and further informations Game website: Game page: Anna: Update 0.0.5 with Overworld map


Hi there, lovely people. I was always fascinated by this weird ninja game on the CPC 464, I’ve bought as a 12 year old. Inspired by that, I want to make a game for the NES that is roughly based on the concept of it. Please welcome a first screenshot from SABOTEUR on NES. A SABOTEUR (NES/Famicom)

Visit EASTPIXEL exhibition booth @ Lange Nacht der Computerspiele 2024, HTWK Leipzig

Hi there, lovely people. On April 27, I’ll be part of Lange Nacht der Computerspiele 2024 in Leipzig. The signage is ready, the merchandise is ready and of course the most important thing, my game Anna: The Magic of Words, is available to play. Come by and experience a challenging new video game for NES. Visit EASTPIXEL exhibition booth @ Lange Nacht der Computerspiele 2024, HTWK Leipzig

Anna: The Magic of Words – Demo version August 2023 released

Ten months after the last demo, there is something new to report. Demo version 3 of my upcoming game “ANNA The magic of words” (アンナ 言葉の魔法) is available for download and testing since yesterday. A lot has happened in the last year, new physics system, new graphic rendering, animated graphic elements, collectible objects, lives, a Anna: The Magic of Words – Demo version August 2023 released

Anna: The Magic of Words @ The Homebrew Games Summer Showcase 2023 (Video inside)

Hi there, lovely people. (Text: Matt Hughson) The Homebrew Games Summer Showcase is a celebration of all the games in development for old consoles. For the purpose of this showcase, we define a homebrew game as a videogame being developed for a retro home console that came out before the year 2000, or for a Anna: The Magic of Words @ The Homebrew Games Summer Showcase 2023 (Video inside)

ANNA: Game concept idea

The idea is to have three different areas (dungeons, like in the demo), jungle and ice, both concepts in the screenshots. Every area consists of (maybe) 12 rooms you need to traverse. In every room will be at least one scroll (not in demo right now) to collect. There are no player “lifes”, every room ANNA: Game concept idea