NESbag 2 has landed

Hey lovely NES development community,the first version of NESbag (May 2024), which was based on the NESTEK tool from LowtekGames, was a help, but had technical limitations.

From today there is NESbag 2, a tool to easily distribute your own NES game as a Windows, macOS and Linux application to players for whom the use of emulator software is not well feasible.

NESbag 2 does not hide its roots: the tool is based on the wonderful work of Sour and his Mesen emulator system.

NESbag2 is open-source software under the GPL 3 license and can be used, modified and distributed under this license.

I provide ready-to-use versions for Windows (at least Windows 10/11, 64bit) which you can download. Then simply add your game as a ROM file and off you go.

About macOS: I can also provide a finished macOS version, but you will have to sign it with an Apple developer account before you can pass it on. As I don’t have the resources for an Apple developer account, I can’t sign the macOS versions myself.

Please get in touch if you need help with using it. As this is the first release, it is quite possible that I have not considered things that are relevant in practice.

Many thanks to all developers of the Open Source community, the NESdev community and a lot of fun to all players.


Download and further informations